Dress Rehearsal for ‘Just Dance!’
Saturday 21st June 2014
The Sands Centre, Carlisle
Dress Rehearsal 12:00pm – 3:30pm
Performance 5:15pm for 6:00pm start
Dropping off and picking up
As you will appreciate, with so many children taking part in our show this year we have strict procedures when arriving and leaving.
On arrival at 12:00pm please bring your child into the foyer and sign them in.
The same arrangements apply at 5:15pm when children return for the Performance.
Please note: all pupils under 16 must be signed in and out by an adult.
At approximately 3:30pm please wait in the foyer and we will call you into the auditorium once the children are changed.
At the end of the Performance each child needs to be signed out, please remain in the auditorium and wait for your child’s class to be called before approaching the stage to collect them. We ask for your patience at this time. We need all pupils to stay with us in the auditorium throughout the Rehearsal and Performance. This includes older pupils.
Please make sure your child comes with their hair and make up already done and brings any costume items for the Dress Rehearsal. Costumes will then be left backstage for the performance.
Please do not send your child with food and drink other than water as it could stain or spill onto their costumes. We appreciate the time of the Dress Rehearsal is over lunch time but we would ask that children eat before and after the rehearsal.
If your child is using their own catsuit/leotard, jazz shoes or ballet shoes as part of their costume, please make sure that their name is inside.
Due to child protection laws, no filming or photography is permitted at the venue. The Sands Centre has a very strict policy. A DVD will be available in due course.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Debbie and Rachel